About the site
Project team
The online encyclopedia published on this site is the work of a group of researchers and authors in the United Kingdom and Ukraine, contributing their work on a voluntary basis. The editorial team comprises Roman Krawec (London, editor), Ludmila Pekarska (London) and Roman Syrota (Lviv, Ukraine). Marta Jenkala (London) and Maria Semeniuk (London) conduct language reviews of articles in English and Ukrainian, respectively. Articles are written by members of the editorial team and other contributors, whose names are given at the end of individual articles.

Support for the project is provided by the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB).
Project history
This online encyclopedia is based on work undertaken originally as part of a project to produce a multi-volume Encyclopedia of the Ukrainian Diaspora (EUD) about Ukrainians in countries around the world. The EUD project was initiated in 1987 by the signing of an agreement between the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA and the US-based Foundation of Friends of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine. In 1988 an editorial office was established in Chicago under the leadership of editor-in-chief Vasyl Markus (†), and in the same year work began in the United Kingdom on the collection of material for the British component of the EUD. From 1988 to 2002 Jaroslaw Hawrych (†) was the UK representative of the EUD editorial office and coordinator of work relating to the British component of the EUD (succeeded in 2002 by Roman Krawec). Over several years Dorota Szkromyda was the UK project administrator.
In 2003 the EUD editorial office concluded a co-operation agreement with the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain. Within the framework this agreement, in 2007 a decision was made to begin the development of an online encyclopedia about Ukrainians in the UK, and in August 2008 the first articles were published on this site.
Of the originally planned volumes of the EUD, the first to be published, in 1995, was Volume 4 – Australia, Asia and Africa (main sponsors: Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA and the Foundation of Friends of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine). Between 2009 and 2021 the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA published Volume 1 – United States of America, in four books: A-K, L-R, S-Ya, Addenda and Errata.
In addition to the individuals mentioned above, many other people have, over the years, contributed to the production of the encyclopaedia on this site, including, in particular: Dmytro Bartkiw (†), Wasyl Boreckyj (†), Edward Brodacky (†), Michael Dobriansky (†), Wolodymyr Gockyj (†), Georgius Jenkala (†), Yuriy B. Kovaliv, Oleksa Kurlak, Nina Martschenko (†), Iwanna Maszczak, Lubomyr Mazur, Wasyl Oleskiw (†), Roman Panas, Vera Smereka (†), Wasyl Tomkiw, Jaroslaw Wasyluk (†), Constantine Zelenko (†). The editorial team is indebted to them and to all others who have contributed to the project.